Freight Class & Shipping Codes

Jewels & Precious Metal

LTL freight classifications for Jewels & Precious Metal include: Natural of Cultured Pearls, Precious or Semiprecious Stones, Precious Metals, Metals Clad with Precious Metal, and Articles Thereof, Imitation Jewlry, Coin

Select a subcategory below to find the HS, Schedule-B, NAICS, NMFC©, SIC, End Use, USDA, HTS Tariff and other freight, commodity and industry specific classification and coding.

When shipping jewels and precious metals internationally, be sure to check for import/export tariff/duty rates and restrictions.

71 Natural or Cultured Pearls, Precious or Semiprecious Stones, Precious Metals, Metals Clad with Precious Metal, and Articles Thereof; Imitation Jewelry; Coin