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Shipping Free Domicile (Duties & Taxes Prepaid)
Shipping Free Domicile is an option for international shipments which enables the shipper to assume all transportation charges, duties and other fees until the shipment arrives to your customer (duties / taxes prepaid). Essentially, the receiver gets the product delivered with all fees prepaid and billed to the shipper. This can help you offer a more streamlined shipping experience to your customer, but also increases the overall cost of shipping a product.
This feature is not available on ShipNerd by default, if you’re looking to ship products using Free Domicile please contact [email protected] and request this feature be enabled to your account.
Once enabled, you will be able to select “Bill Duty/Tax and Shipping Charges to Shipper (‘Free Domicile’)” while entering product details as seen in the image below.
Caveat! – When shipping Free Domicile, ShipNerd cannot assist in you in disputing any duties / brokerage fees billed to the shipment. For clarity, we bill you for whatever additional fees are billed to us by the courier, we cannot dispute any fees that you feel have been billed incorrectly by customs or the courier.